Not bad.
Sounded very raw and unrefined though. Apart from that, it held my attention, varied well, and you ended it pretty good. Keep it up.
Not bad.
Sounded very raw and unrefined though. Apart from that, it held my attention, varied well, and you ended it pretty good. Keep it up.
Pretty Good
Kept me interesting most of the way through, though I think it got a LITTLE BIT repetitive in places.
Overall, good though, keep it up.
Good =]
Heh, this was nice. Sounded really sweet, I liked how (to me) it was pretty simple. I think the echo does take the vote down a little, but I understand it can't be helped, so real good. Wish I could play guitar, haha :D
Do you have lyrics?
Thanks alot.
Yeah, it's not very complicated, although
probably more so than you think. ;P
I won't get into technicalities, since you
don't play the guitar though.
Yeah, I realize the echo is
annoying, but again; not my fault. =\
Of course I have the lyrics.
I'll PM them to you later.
Thanks for the reveiw.
Appreciate it lots.
Heh, this song was nice =] Dunno why anyone would give it a 1, as I saw O.o
Sounds good to dance to lol ;)
This started off really well, until you had that little jive about 1 minute into the song, I don't think that went with the song very well. Other than that, very good, keep up the good work, and I hope to see some more from you later on.
No that jive sounded like crap. :(
Thank you for review, I am glad you look forward to something from me.
This was a great piece, can't get enough of it. It just kept me so involved in it.
I have no negative opinion on this song, well done.
It's a bit to soft for my liking, and it could be faster. But I like.
LOL seems like everyone wants faster, aight ill work on that, ty for review =)
When a ninja dives into the ocean, the ninja doesn't get wet, the ocean gets ninja.
Age 31, Male
Sydney Technical Highschool
Joined on 3/26/06